The First Locust


passing the stranger and feeling loneliness––
first locust singing on the mountain


Part of the walking meditation in Tennessee, I distinctly remember the feeling of having an entire mountain to myself, and when another person appeared being filled with a profound sense of loneliness which caught me entirely off guard, and surprised me. The fact that we passed without speaking left a lingering memory within me to this day.

It is a feeling akin to remembering the herds of buffalo in an otherwise empty field.

Or recognizing that the majesty of the panoply of stars that we witness is a mere spill over the edge of a brimming chalice of light that we are otherwise blind to.

The partial spot of this leaf captures this sense of emptiness and yearning to connect, to be complete again, recognized by another on the same bountiful path to ourselves.



Words and Imagery Copyright 2018 Harry D. Hudson

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