
In the northern hemisphere, the Andromeda Galaxy is visible with the naked eye throughout the year. When I first learned of this as a school boy I was astounded to think that it had been there all along, shining down on our entire history, unrecognized. In 1929,  with the aid of the 100 inch telescope at Wilson Observatory, Edwin Hubble described M31 as more than a vague  light, but as a galaxy comprised of billions of stars. Today the telescope that bears his name captures exquisite images of never-before-seen wonders of deep space.

In the award-winning photograph below by New Zealand amateur astronomer Mark Gee, Andromeda is visible on the left, shining from 2,500,000 light years beyond our own Milky Way.

Just as one meter can’t contain as much as a hundred or a thousand, our perceptions can’t avail us to all that there is to know.

Guiding Light To The Stars

Our senses are limited by our physical reach, accessing an estimated one percent of the sensory spectrum. How limiting this is, and how difficult to get beyond that reach into a broader and deeper experience.

Picture doubling your range of sight, seeing new colors you have never imagined or details that were missed before. Seeing deeper into the night sky, to perceive the moons of distant planets and distant galaxies all around us. Or to peer more deeply into the world beneath our feet, or great distances beneath the ocean.

Now imagine deepening all five senses at once.

To be chilled by the slightest breeze, or to be rubbed bare by a scarf. To hear the endless drone of bees, the throb of the earth’s pulse, or the static of meteors falling down to earth. To catch the scent of dust on the wind, or to be knocked out by a rose. To taste your fork as well as your food, to be able to tell which field your tomato was grown in, or detect a change in your health from the taste of your teeth.

It is a paradox of our reality; a mind-blowing doubling of our perceptions would merely amount to a two percent experience of the gamut of possibilities.

It’s not hard to imagine a few pitfalls, some miscalculations, or an erroneous extrapolation or two formulating your view of reality based on this limited reach. Yet much of science operates in this way.

When we experience something for the first time that is outside of our paradigm we can find it threatening. But when we open our minds and hearts to other possibilities, we can begin to recognize that our physical reality is more limiting than liberating. As a result of our physical manifestation, this experience comes with a kind of amnesia. And one of the great mysteries we are born to unravel is to seek our lightness within the density of this existence. To reclaim our light and ignite our spirit, to unite with source.

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All knowledge comes from asking, from exploration, from seeking. Just as scientific culture is based on this premise, esoteric knowledge is as well, but the avenue is within rather than externally.

This is the oldest form of enlightenment, and transcends limitations of time and space. Through self-knowledge we have access to information that is not in this realm alone, but crosses over through unseen doorways of consciousness. This internal access is the equivalent of doubling our sensory reach. And yet, imagine how much more there is to be experienced even beyond this.

How does the collective consciousness converge? Why are there so many myths of humanity that retell the same story, with different names, across cultures, ages, and history? What is it that cultures old and new keep rediscovering across eras and epochs of human growth and collapse? What are these archetypes that we all share, and we seem to be awakening to again and again?

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I believe that there are many layers to our lives, and our actions. That we are blessed to be right where we are now to do important work, across many lives and ages. We come here with an array of gifts designed to help us grow, learn, and adapt at a pace that is commensurate with our abilities. Like a 25 Watt bulb, to begin burning at 100 Watts would overwhelm and consume us. Our reach of knowledge, like our five senses, is suited to our own path:

Knowledge is on a need-to-know basis.

For some of us this work is right in front of us, in what we can see, and feel, and hear. It may seem that we are physical beings having a spiritual experience. For others, this work takes us into contact with the unseen, into a broader reality than we are currently aware of here, as spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Science is finding its way to describing in finite terms what the Wisdom Keepers across the ages have always known. Many of the foundations of the fluid reality known to seers is being validated by scientific exploration on sub-atomic and macro-cosmic scales. It is within reach of our lifetime for us to conceive the elusive Unified Field Theory, linking the electro-magnetic, gravitational, and the weak and strong nuclear forces into one integrated model. One that will describe the physical mechanics of matter and energy across the spectrum.

It may also define the model of time and space as a fluid matrix, wherein space is an integral component, not a void as has been espoused by scientists for so long. A model in which matter is warped space, and wherein space presents the properties of an illusion of matter. A world where the energy of consciousness is the one true currency.

A singular, unified field.

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For us, there are as many paths as there are feet in this world––we always have a choice. The path is neither good nor bad, it simply comes with responsibility. Knowledge is the map, and responsibility the key to every door.

Our minds can only know so much, but our hearts transcend all limitations.

Be willing to ask the questions, and open to hearing their answers. Then choose wisely from your heart.

We are awake and remembering. We are unique and divine.

We are one consciousness … the unified field.

Imagery and Text copyright 2015 Harry D. Hudson
Guiding Light image by Mark Gee, copyright 2013

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