The Moon in the Cup

Recently some have been visiting stones in the landscape and photographing their friends there with digital cameras. Something odd is happening- multiple images are being recorded of the same person in the presence of these stones–not the same image twice, but different images of the same person occurring at once. In one image the person is looking away, the other version they are looking at the camera. Sometimes there are three images of the same person.

It is like the stones are prisms of potentialities, revealing various versions of reality to the camera within a spectrum of possibilities, all occurring simultaneously. One version of ourselves may be in bliss, the other in despair. The paths diverge into different stories, but not different lives!

All of the paths are real, and true. But they are each a story within the arc of our Life.

Dream the story of your Life, it is your birthright and greatest gift to share.

winter stillness–– / daring to drink it / the moon in the cup


Words and Imagery Copyright 2014 Harry D. Hudson

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