Category Archives: Art

Visual Art and Objects


This is an alternative form of photography known as Van Dyke Brown. A cousin to alternative processes Cyanotype and Gum Bichromate, Van Dyke Brown is accomplished by mixing the silver photographic emulsion by hand and applying it to a surface that you want to make a photograph on. It could be fabric or ceramic for example. This…
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Heart Work

Center for Creative Arts is a magnet school, one of five in Chattanooga in different disciplines. I became one of 50 arts faculty in a school with 500 arts students, grades 6-12. In the five years that I was adjunct faculty at CCA, my wife Katherine and I were tapped to create curriculum for the…
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In 1987 there was an event reuniting the Beat Poets for a week-long series of performances, exhibitions, and happenings in the Midwest. William Burroughs lived in Lawrence, Kansas at the time, and Allen Ginsberg thought it would be a good time to call all of the troops home for a reunion in Burrows' honor. It was…
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Sculpture Fields

In Chattanooga I went to work for John Henry in building Tatlin’s Sentinel. It was one of many monumental sculptures in steel and aluminum fabricated at his Chattanooga studio. And at 101 feet tall and 100,000 pounds, it is one of the largest contemporary sculptures in the world, and the second tallest in the United States. I drilled the steel…
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